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Well, s'pose I've learned to sew the legs together first! A leg is made for skedaddlin', even if it ain't connected to anything else. But I threaded them together just fine. Some o' the books I got 'round Thomas call the stuff for stitchin' "sutures" -- the thread, I s'pose -- but I figure it's thread. It ain't gonna dissolve, my apologies. Made it by pulling it outta the ether myself! In a way, a kinda part of me. So I s'pose I'll always be with the things I make! Made with love, like they say.

Originally thought of makin' the thing half and half, split down the middle, and then shovin’ the rest of it wherever, but that didn’t make a lick of sense to me. Now I’m lookin’ to make everythin’ real symmetrical-like. Fillin’ in the back of his eyeball with the front of hers. Never was real methodical with this kinda thing. More like cookin’ when you’ve remembered the recipe from a few years ago but ya ain't got the rest of the recipe book on hand! Though, to be fair, I’m a pioneer in my field, ain’t I? Where are the references out there for this kinda thing?

I mean, I’m lookin’ at anatomy books real close, but I figure it's less than standard to crack open the side of a tooth with a bone cutter and fill up the insides with hair and a bit of blank sketchbook paper. But my reasoning’s they’ve both got keratin and junk, right? And what else am I supposed to put there?

The moving around all panicked-like got to be a bit too tricky to handle -- I'm a li'l' guy, after all. I'm figurin' out what kinda sedatives I can make in here! Sent the mouth through a bitcrusher so they'd quiet down a bit, but the shufflin' is still a lot!

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